1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org
3  *
4  * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5  * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6  * arising from the use of this software.
7  * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
8  * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
9  * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
10  * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
11  *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
12  *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
13  *    appreciated but is not required.
14  * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
15  *    misrepresented as being the original software.
16  * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
17  */
18 module imgui.api;
20 /**
21     imgui is an immediate mode GUI. See also:
22     http://sol.gfxile.net/imgui/
24     This module contains the API of the library.
25 */
27 import std.algorithm;
28 import std.math;
29 import std.stdio;
30 import std.string;
31 import std.range;
33 import imgui.engine;
34 import imgui.gl3_renderer;
35 /* import imgui.util; */
37 // todo: opApply to allow changing brightness on all colors.
38 // todo: check CairoD samples for brightness settingsroutines.
40 /** A color scheme contains all the configurable GUI element colors. */
41 struct ColorScheme
42 {
43     /**
44         Return a range of all colors. This gives you ref access,
45         which means you can modify the values.
46     */
47     auto walkColors()
48     {
49         return chain(
50             (&generic.text).only,
51             (&generic.line).only,
52             (&generic.rect).only,
53             (&generic.roundRect).only,
54             (&scroll.area.back).only,
55             (&scroll.area.text).only,
56             (&scroll.bar.back).only,
57             (&scroll.bar.thumb).only,
58             (&scroll.bar.thumbHover).only,
59             (&scroll.bar.thumbPress).only,
60             (&button.text).only,
61             (&button.textHover).only,
62             (&button.textDisabled).only,
63             (&button.back).only,
64             (&button.backPress).only,
65             (&checkbox.back).only,
66             (&checkbox.press).only,
67             (&checkbox.checked).only,
68             (&checkbox.doUncheck).only,
69             (&checkbox.disabledChecked).only,
70             (&checkbox.text).only,
71             (&checkbox.textHover).only,
72             (&checkbox.textDisabled).only,
73             (&item.hover).only,
74             (&item.press).only,
75             (&item.text).only,
76             (&item.textDisabled).only,
77             (&collapse.shown).only,
78             (&collapse.hidden).only,
79             (&collapse.doShow).only,
80             (&collapse.doHide).only,
81             (&collapse.textHover).only,
82             (&collapse.text).only,
83             (&collapse.textDisabled).only,
84             (&collapse.subtext).only,
85             (&label.text).only,
86             (&value.text).only,
87             (&slider.back).only,
88             (&slider.thumb).only,
89             (&slider.thumbHover).only,
90             (&slider.thumbPress).only,
91             (&slider.text).only,
92             (&slider.textHover).only,
93             (&slider.textDisabled).only,
94             (&slider.value).only,
95             (&slider.valueHover).only,
96             (&slider.valueDisabled).only,
97             (&separator).only);
98     }
100     ///
101     static struct Generic
102     {
103         RGBA text;       /// Used by imguiDrawText.
104         RGBA line;       /// Used by imguiDrawLine.
105         RGBA rect;       /// Used by imguiDrawRect.
106         RGBA roundRect;  /// Used by imguiDrawRoundedRect.
107     }
109     ///
110     static struct Scroll
111     {
112         ///
113         static struct Area
114         {
115             RGBA back = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 192);
116             RGBA text = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 128);
117         }
119         ///
120         static struct Bar
121         {
122             RGBA back = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 196);
123             RGBA thumb = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 64);
124             RGBA thumbHover = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 96);
125             RGBA thumbPress = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 196);
126         }
128         Area area; ///
129         Bar bar; ///
130     }
132     ///
133     static struct Button
134     {
135         RGBA text         = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
136         RGBA textHover    = RGBA(255, 196,   0, 255);
137         RGBA textDisabled = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 200);
138         RGBA back         = RGBA(128, 128, 128,  96);
139         RGBA backPress    = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 196);
140     }
142     ///
143     static struct TextInput
144     {
145         RGBA label        = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
146         RGBA text         = RGBA(0,   0,   0,   255);
147         RGBA textDisabled = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
148         RGBA back         = RGBA(255, 196,   0, 255);
149         RGBA backDisabled = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 96);
150     }
152     ///
153     static struct Checkbox
154     {
155         /// Checkbox background.
156         RGBA back = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 96);
158         /// Checkbox background when it's pressed.
159         RGBA press = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 196);
161         /// An enabled and checked checkbox.
162         RGBA checked = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
164         /// An enabled and checked checkbox which was just pressed to be disabled.
165         RGBA doUncheck = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
167         /// A disabled but checked checkbox.
168         RGBA disabledChecked = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 200);
170         /// Label color of the checkbox.
171         RGBA text = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
173         /// Label color of a hovered checkbox.
174         RGBA textHover = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 255);
176         /// Label color of an disabled checkbox.
177         RGBA textDisabled = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 200);
178     }
180     ///
181     static struct Item
182     {
183         RGBA hover        = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 96);
184         RGBA press        = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 196);
185         RGBA text         = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
186         RGBA textDisabled = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 200);
187     }
189     ///
190     static struct Collapse
191     {
192         RGBA shown = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
193         RGBA hidden = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
195         RGBA doShow = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
196         RGBA doHide = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
198         RGBA text         = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
199         RGBA textHover    = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 255);
200         RGBA textDisabled = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 200);
202         RGBA subtext = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 128);
203     }
205     ///
206     static struct Label
207     {
208         RGBA text = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
209     }
211     ///
212     static struct Value
213     {
214         RGBA text = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
215     }
217     ///
218     static struct Slider
219     {
220         RGBA back = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 128);
221         RGBA thumb = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 64);
222         RGBA thumbHover = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 128);
223         RGBA thumbPress = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
225         RGBA text = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
226         RGBA textHover = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 255);
227         RGBA textDisabled = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 200);
229         RGBA value = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
230         RGBA valueHover = RGBA(255, 196, 0, 255);
231         RGBA valueDisabled = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 200);
232     }
234     /// Colors for the generic imguiDraw* functions.
235     Generic generic;
237     /// Colors for the scrollable area.
238     Scroll scroll;
240     /// Colors for button elements.
241     Button button;
243     /// Colors for text input elements.
244     TextInput textInput;
246     /// Colors for checkbox elements.
247     Checkbox checkbox;
249     /// Colors for item elements.
250     Item item;
252     /// Colors for collapse elements.
253     Collapse collapse;
255     /// Colors for label elements.
256     Label label;
258     /// Colors for value elements.
259     Value value;
261     /// Colors for slider elements.
262     Slider slider;
264     /// Color for the separator line.
265     RGBA separator = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 32);
266 }
268 /**
269     The current default color scheme.
271     You can configure this scheme, it will be used by
272     default by GUI element creation functions unless
273     you explicitly pass a custom color scheme.
274 */
275 __gshared ColorScheme defaultColorScheme;
277 ///
278 struct RGBA
279 {
280     ubyte r;
281     ubyte g;
282     ubyte b;
283     ubyte a = 255;
285     RGBA opBinary(string op)(RGBA rgba)
286     {
287         RGBA res = this;
289         mixin("res.r = cast(ubyte)res.r " ~ op ~ " rgba.r;");
290         mixin("res.g = cast(ubyte)res.g " ~ op ~ " rgba.g;");
291         mixin("res.b = cast(ubyte)res.b " ~ op ~ " rgba.b;");
292         mixin("res.a = cast(ubyte)res.a " ~ op ~ " rgba.a;");
294         return res;
295     }
296 }
298 ///
299 enum TextAlign
300 {
301     left,
302     center,
303     right,
304 }
306 /** The possible mouse buttons. These can be used as bitflags. */
307 enum MouseButton : ubyte
308 {
309     left  = 0x01,
310     right = 0x02,
311 }
313 ///
314 enum Enabled : bool
315 {
316     no,
317     yes,
318 }
320 /** Initialize the imgui library. 
322     Params: 
324     fontPath        = Path to a TrueType font file to use to draw text.
325     fontTextureSize = Size of the texture to store font glyphs in. The actual texture
326                       size is a square of this value.
328                       A bigger texture allows to draw more Unicode characters (if the
329                       font supports them). 256 (62.5kiB) should be enough for ASCII,
330                       1024 (1MB) should be enough for most European scripts.
332     Returns: True on success, false on failure.
333 */
334 bool imguiInit(const(char)[] fontPath, uint fontTextureSize = 1024)
335 {
336     return imguiRenderGLInit(fontPath, fontTextureSize);
337 }
339 /** Destroy the imgui library. */
340 void imguiDestroy()
341 {
342     imguiRenderGLDestroy();
343 }
345 /**
346     Begin a new frame. All batched commands after the call to
347     $(D imguiBeginFrame) will be rendered as a single frame once
348     $(D imguiRender) is called.
350     Note: You should call $(D imguiEndFrame) after batching all
351     commands to reset the input handling for the next frame.
353     Example:
354     -----
355     int cursorX, cursorY;
356     ubyte mouseButtons;
357     int mouseScroll;
359     /// start a new batch of commands for this frame (the batched commands)
360     imguiBeginFrame(cursorX, cursorY, mouseButtons, mouseScroll);
362     /// define your UI elements here
363     imguiLabel("some text here");
365     /// end the frame (this just resets the input control state, e.g. mouse button states)
366     imguiEndFrame();
368     /// now render the batched commands
369     imguiRender();
370     -----
372     Params:
374     cursorX = The cursor's last X position.
375     cursorY = The cursor's last Y position.
376     mouseButtons = The last mouse buttons pressed (a value or a combination of values of a $(D MouseButton)).
377     mouseScroll = The last scroll value emitted by the mouse.
378     unicodeChar = Unicode text input from the keyboard (usually the unicode result of last keypress).
379                   '0' means 'no text input'. Note that for text input to work, even Enter
380                   and backspace must be passed (encoded as 0x0D and 0x08, respectively),
381                   which may not be automatically handled by your input library's text
382                   input functionality (e.g. GLFW's getUnicode() does not do this).
383 */
384 void imguiBeginFrame(int cursorX, int cursorY, ubyte mouseButtons, int mouseScroll,
385                      dchar unicodeChar = 0)
386 {
387     updateInput(cursorX, cursorY, mouseButtons, mouseScroll, unicodeChar);
389     g_state.hot     = g_state.hotToBe;
390     g_state.hotToBe = 0;
392     g_state.wentActive = false;
393     g_state.isActive   = false;
394     g_state.isHot      = false;
396     g_state.widgetX = 0;
397     g_state.widgetY = 0;
398     g_state.widgetW = 0;
400     g_state.areaId   = 1;
401     g_state.widgetId = 1;
403     resetGfxCmdQueue();
404 }
406 /** End the list of batched commands for the current frame. */
407 void imguiEndFrame()
408 {
409     clearInput();
410 }
412 /** Render all of the batched commands for the current frame. */
413 void imguiRender(int width, int height)
414 {
415     imguiRenderGLDraw(width, height);
416 }
418 /**
419     Begin the definition of a new scrollable area.
421     Once elements within the scrollable area are defined
422     you must call $(D imguiEndScrollArea) to end the definition.
424     Params:
426     title = The title that will be displayed for this scroll area.
427     xPos = The X position of the scroll area.
428     yPos = The Y position of the scroll area.
429     width = The width of the scroll area.
430     height = The height of the scroll area.
431     scroll = A pointer to a variable which will hold the current scroll value of the widget.
432     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
434     Returns:
436     $(D true) if the mouse was located inside the scrollable area.
437 */
438 bool imguiBeginScrollArea(const(char)[] title, int xPos, int yPos, int width, int height, int* scroll, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
439 {
440     g_state.areaId++;
441     g_state.widgetId = 0;
442     g_scrollId       = (g_state.areaId << 16) | g_state.widgetId;
444     g_state.widgetX = xPos + SCROLL_AREA_PADDING;
445     g_state.widgetY = yPos + height - AREA_HEADER + (*scroll);
446     g_state.widgetW = width - SCROLL_AREA_PADDING * 4;
447     g_scrollTop     = yPos - AREA_HEADER + height;
448     g_scrollBottom  = yPos + SCROLL_AREA_PADDING;
449     g_scrollRight   = xPos + width - SCROLL_AREA_PADDING * 3;
450     g_scrollVal     = scroll;
452     g_scrollAreaTop = g_state.widgetY;
454     g_focusTop    = yPos - AREA_HEADER;
455     g_focusBottom = yPos - AREA_HEADER + height;
457     g_insideScrollArea = inRect(xPos, yPos, width, height, false);
458     g_state.insideCurrentScroll = g_insideScrollArea;
460     addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)xPos, cast(float)yPos, cast(float)width, cast(float)height, 6, colorScheme.scroll.area.back);
462     addGfxCmdText(xPos + AREA_HEADER / 2, yPos + height - AREA_HEADER / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, title, colorScheme.scroll.area.text);
464     // The max() ensures we never have zero- or negative-sized scissor rectangle when the window is very small,
465     // avoiding a segfault.
466     addGfxCmdScissor(xPos + SCROLL_AREA_PADDING, 
467                      yPos + SCROLL_AREA_PADDING,
468                      max(1, width - SCROLL_AREA_PADDING * 4), 
469                      max(1, height - AREA_HEADER - SCROLL_AREA_PADDING));
471     return g_insideScrollArea;
472 }
474 /**
475     End the definition of the last scrollable element.
477     Params:
479     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
480 */
481 void imguiEndScrollArea(const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
482 {
483     // Disable scissoring.
484     addGfxCmdScissor(-1, -1, -1, -1);
486     // Draw scroll bar
487     int x = g_scrollRight + SCROLL_AREA_PADDING / 2;
488     int y = g_scrollBottom;
489     int w = SCROLL_AREA_PADDING * 2;
490     int h = g_scrollTop - g_scrollBottom;
492     int stop = g_scrollAreaTop;
493     int sbot = g_state.widgetY;
494     int sh   = stop - sbot;   // The scrollable area height.
496     float barHeight = cast(float)h / cast(float)sh;
498     if (barHeight < 1)
499     {
500         float barY = cast(float)(y - sbot) / cast(float)sh;
502         if (barY < 0)
503             barY = 0;
505         if (barY > 1)
506             barY = 1;
508         // Handle scroll bar logic.
509         uint hid = g_scrollId;
510         int hx = x;
511         int hy = y + cast(int)(barY * h);
512         int hw = w;
513         int hh = cast(int)(barHeight * h);
515         const int range = h - (hh - 1);
516         bool over       = inRect(hx, hy, hw, hh);
517         buttonLogic(hid, over);
519         if (isActive(hid))
520         {
521             float u = cast(float)(hy - y) / cast(float)range;
523             if (g_state.wentActive)
524             {
525                 g_state.dragY    = g_state.my;
526                 g_state.dragOrig = u;
527             }
529             if (g_state.dragY != g_state.my)
530             {
531                 u = g_state.dragOrig + (g_state.my - g_state.dragY) / cast(float)range;
533                 if (u < 0)
534                     u = 0;
536                 if (u > 1)
537                     u = 1;
538                 *g_scrollVal = cast(int)((1 - u) * (sh - h));
539             }
540         }
542         // BG
543         addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)x, cast(float)y, cast(float)w, cast(float)h, cast(float)w / 2 - 1, colorScheme.scroll.bar.back);
545         // Bar
546         if (isActive(hid))
547             addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)hx, cast(float)hy, cast(float)hw, cast(float)hh, cast(float)w / 2 - 1, colorScheme.scroll.bar.thumbPress);
548         else
549             addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)hx, cast(float)hy, cast(float)hw, cast(float)hh, cast(float)w / 2 - 1, isHot(hid) ? colorScheme.scroll.bar.thumbHover : colorScheme.scroll.bar.thumb);
551         // Handle mouse scrolling.
552         if (g_insideScrollArea)         // && !anyActive())
553         {
554             if (g_state.scroll)
555             {
556                 *g_scrollVal += 20 * g_state.scroll;
558                 if (*g_scrollVal < 0)
559                     *g_scrollVal = 0;
561                 if (*g_scrollVal > (sh - h))
562                     *g_scrollVal = (sh - h);
563             }
564         }
565     }
566     g_state.insideCurrentScroll = false;
567 }
569 /**
570     Define a new button.
572     Params:
574     label = The text that will be displayed on the button.
575     enabled = Set whether the button can be pressed.
576     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
578     Returns:
580     $(D true) if the button is enabled and was pressed.
581     Note that pressing a button implies pressing and releasing the
582     left mouse button while over the gui button.
584     Example:
585     -----
586     void onPress() { }
587     if (imguiButton("Push me"))  // button was pushed
588         onPress();
589     -----
590 */
591 bool imguiButton(const(char)[] label, Enabled enabled = Enabled.yes, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
592 {
593     g_state.widgetId++;
594     uint id = (g_state.areaId << 16) | g_state.widgetId;
596     int x = g_state.widgetX;
597     int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
598     int w = g_state.widgetW;
599     int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
600     g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING;
602     bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h);
603     bool res  = buttonLogic(id, over);
605     addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)x, cast(float)y, cast(float)w, cast(float)h, cast(float)BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - 1,
606                          isActive(id) ? colorScheme.button.backPress : colorScheme.button.back);
608     if (enabled)
609     {
610         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label,
611                       isHot(id) ? colorScheme.button.textHover : colorScheme.button.text);
612     }
613     else
614     {
615         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label,
616                       colorScheme.button.textDisabled);
617     }
619     return res;
620 }
622 /**
623     Define a new checkbox.
625     Params:
627     label = The text that will be displayed on the button.
628     checkState = A pointer to a variable which holds the current state of the checkbox.
629     enabled = Set whether the checkbox can be pressed.
630     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
632     Returns:
634     $(D true) if the checkbox was toggled on or off.
635     Note that toggling implies pressing and releasing the
636     left mouse button while over the checkbox.
638     Example:
639     -----
640     bool checkState = false;  // initially un-checked
641     if (imguiCheck("checkbox", &checkState))  // checkbox was toggled
642         writeln(checkState);  // check the current state
643     -----
644 */
645 bool imguiCheck(const(char)[] label, bool* checkState, Enabled enabled = Enabled.yes, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
646 {
647     g_state.widgetId++;
648     uint id = (g_state.areaId << 16) | g_state.widgetId;
650     int x = g_state.widgetX;
651     int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
652     int w = g_state.widgetW;
653     int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
654     g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING;
656     bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h);
657     bool res  = buttonLogic(id, over);
659     if (res)  // toggle the state
660         *checkState ^= 1;
662     const int cx = x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - CHECK_SIZE / 2;
663     const int cy = y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - CHECK_SIZE / 2;
665     addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)cx - 3, cast(float)cy - 3, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE + 6, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE + 6, 4,
666         isActive(id) ? colorScheme.checkbox.press : colorScheme.checkbox.back);
668     if (*checkState)
669     {
670         if (enabled)
671             addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)cx, cast(float)cy, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE / 2 - 1, isActive(id) ? colorScheme.checkbox.checked : colorScheme.checkbox.doUncheck);
672         else
673             addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)cx, cast(float)cy, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE, cast(float)CHECK_SIZE / 2 - 1, colorScheme.checkbox.disabledChecked);
674     }
676     if (enabled)
677         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, isHot(id) ? colorScheme.checkbox.textHover : colorScheme.checkbox.text);
678     else
679         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, colorScheme.checkbox.textDisabled);
681     return res;
682 }
684 /**
685     Define a new item.
687     Params:
689     label = The text that will be displayed as the item.
690     enabled = Set whether the item can be pressed.
691     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
693     Returns:
695     $(D true) if the item is enabled and was pressed.
696     Note that pressing an item implies pressing and releasing the
697     left mouse button while over the item.
698 */
699 bool imguiItem(const(char)[] label, Enabled enabled = Enabled.yes, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
700 {
701     g_state.widgetId++;
702     uint id = (g_state.areaId << 16) | g_state.widgetId;
704     int x = g_state.widgetX;
705     int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
706     int w = g_state.widgetW;
707     int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
708     g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING;
710     bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h);
711     bool res  = buttonLogic(id, over);
713     if (isHot(id))
714         addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)x, cast(float)y, cast(float)w, cast(float)h, 2.0f, isActive(id) ? colorScheme.item.press : colorScheme.item.hover);
716     if (enabled)
717         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, colorScheme.item.text);
718     else
719         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, colorScheme.item.textDisabled);
721     return res;
722 }
724 /**
725     Define a new collapsable element.
727     Params:
729     label = The text that will be displayed as the item.
730     subtext = Additional text displayed on the right of the label.
731     checkState = A pointer to a variable which holds the current state of the collapsable element.
732     enabled = Set whether the element can be pressed.
733     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
735     Returns:
737     $(D true) if the collapsable element is enabled and was pressed.
738     Note that pressing a collapsable element implies pressing and releasing the
739     left mouse button while over the collapsable element.
740 */
741 bool imguiCollapse(const(char)[] label, const(char)[] subtext, bool* checkState, Enabled enabled = Enabled.yes, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
742 {
743     g_state.widgetId++;
744     uint id = (g_state.areaId << 16) | g_state.widgetId;
746     int x = g_state.widgetX;
747     int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
748     int w = g_state.widgetW;
749     int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
750     g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT;     // + DEFAULT_SPACING;
752     const int cx = x + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - CHECK_SIZE / 2;
753     const int cy = y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - CHECK_SIZE / 2;
755     bool over = enabled && inRect(x, y, w, h);
756     bool res  = buttonLogic(id, over);
758     if (res)  // toggle the state
759         *checkState ^= 1;
761     if (*checkState)
762         addGfxCmdTriangle(cx, cy, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE, 2, isActive(id) ? colorScheme.collapse.doHide : colorScheme.collapse.shown);
763     else
764         addGfxCmdTriangle(cx, cy, CHECK_SIZE, CHECK_SIZE, 1, isActive(id) ? colorScheme.collapse.doShow : colorScheme.collapse.hidden);
766     if (enabled)
767         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, isHot(id) ? colorScheme.collapse.textHover : colorScheme.collapse.text);
768     else
769         addGfxCmdText(x + BUTTON_HEIGHT, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, colorScheme.collapse.textDisabled);
771     if (subtext)
772         addGfxCmdText(x + w - BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.right, subtext, colorScheme.collapse.subtext);
774     return res;
775 }
777 /**
778     Define a new label.
780     Params:
782     label = The text that will be displayed as the label.
783     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
784 */
785 void imguiLabel(const(char)[] label, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
786 {
787     int x = g_state.widgetX;
788     int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
789     g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT;
790     addGfxCmdText(x, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, colorScheme.label.text);
791 }
794 /**
795     Define a new value.
797     Params:
799     label = The text that will be displayed as the value.
800     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
801 */
802 void imguiValue(const(char)[] label, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
803 {
804     const int x = g_state.widgetX;
805     const int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
806     const int w = g_state.widgetW;
807     g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT;
809     addGfxCmdText(x + w - BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.right, label, colorScheme.value.text);
810 }
812 /**
813     Define a new slider.
815     Params:
817     label = The text that will be displayed above the slider.
818     sliderState = A pointer to a variable which holds the current slider value.
819     minValue = The minimum value that the slider can hold.
820     maxValue = The maximum value that the slider can hold.
821     stepValue = The step at which the value of the slider will increase or decrease.
822     enabled = Set whether the slider's value can can be changed with the mouse.
823     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
825     Returns:
827     $(D true) if the slider is enabled and was pressed.
828     Note that pressing a slider implies pressing and releasing the
829     left mouse button while over the slider.
830 */
831 bool imguiSlider(const(char)[] label, float* sliderState, float minValue, float maxValue, float stepValue, Enabled enabled = Enabled.yes, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
832 {
833     g_state.widgetId++;
834     uint id = (g_state.areaId << 16) | g_state.widgetId;
836     int x = g_state.widgetX;
837     int y = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
838     int w = g_state.widgetW;
839     int h = SLIDER_HEIGHT;
840     g_state.widgetY -= SLIDER_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING;
842     addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)x, cast(float)y, cast(float)w, cast(float)h, 4.0f, colorScheme.slider.back);
844     const int range = w - SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH;
846     float u = (*sliderState - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue);
848     if (u < 0)
849         u = 0;
851     if (u > 1)
852         u = 1;
853     int m = cast(int)(u * range);
855     bool over       = enabled && inRect(x + m, y, SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT);
856     bool res        = buttonLogic(id, over);
857     bool valChanged = false;
859     if (isActive(id))
860     {
861         if (g_state.wentActive)
862         {
863             g_state.dragX    = g_state.mx;
864             g_state.dragOrig = u;
865         }
867         if (g_state.dragX != g_state.mx)
868         {
869             u = g_state.dragOrig + cast(float)(g_state.mx - g_state.dragX) / cast(float)range;
871             if (u < 0)
872                 u = 0;
874             if (u > 1)
875                 u = 1;
876             *sliderState = minValue + u * (maxValue - minValue);
877             *sliderState = floor(*sliderState / stepValue + 0.5f) * stepValue; // Snap to stepValue
878             m          = cast(int)(u * range);
879             valChanged = true;
880         }
881     }
883     if (isActive(id))
884         addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)(x + m), cast(float)y, cast(float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, cast(float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, colorScheme.slider.thumbPress);
885     else
886         addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)(x + m), cast(float)y, cast(float)SLIDER_MARKER_WIDTH, cast(float)SLIDER_HEIGHT, 4.0f, isHot(id) ? colorScheme.slider.thumbHover : colorScheme.slider.thumb);
888     // TODO: fix this, take a look at 'nicenum'.
889     // todo: this should display sub 0.1 if the step is low enough.
890     int digits = cast(int)(ceil(log10(stepValue)));
891     char[16] fmtBuf;
892     auto fmt = sformat(fmtBuf, "%%.%df", digits >= 0 ? 0 : -digits);
893     char[32] msgBuf;
894     string msg = sformat(msgBuf, fmt, *sliderState).idup;
896     if (enabled)
897     {
898         addGfxCmdText(x + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, isHot(id) ? colorScheme.slider.textHover : colorScheme.slider.text);
899         addGfxCmdText(x + w - SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.right, msg, isHot(id) ? colorScheme.slider.valueHover : colorScheme.slider.value);
900     }
901     else
902     {
903         addGfxCmdText(x + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label, colorScheme.slider.textDisabled);
904         addGfxCmdText(x + w - SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2, y + SLIDER_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.right, msg, colorScheme.slider.valueDisabled);
905     }
907     return res || valChanged;
908 }
910 /** Define a text input field.
911  *
912  * Params:
913  *
914  * text           = Label that will be placed beside the text input field.
915  * buffer         = Buffer to store entered text.
916  * usedSlice      = Slice of buffer that stores text entered so far.
917  * forceInputable = Force the text input field to be inputable regardless of whether it
918  *                  has been selected by the user? Useful to e.g. make a text field
919  *                  inputable immediately after it appears in a newly opened dialog.
920  * colorScheme    = Optionally override the current default color scheme for this element.
921  *
922  * Returns: true if the user has entered and confirmed the text (by pressing Enter), false
923  *          otherwise.
924  *
925  * Example (using GLFW):
926  * --------------------
927  * static dchar staticUnicode;
928  * // Buffer to store text input
929  * char[128] textInputBuffer;
930  * // Slice of textInputBuffer
931  * char[] textEntered;
932  *
933  * extern(C) static void getUnicode(GLFWwindow* w, uint unicode)
934  * {
935  *     staticUnicode = unicode;
936  * }
937  *
938  * extern(C) static void getKey(GLFWwindow* w, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
939  * {
940  *     if(action != GLFW_PRESS) { return; }
941  *     if(key == GLFW_KEY_ENTER)          { staticUnicode = 0x0D; }
942  *     else if(key == GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE) { staticUnicode = 0x08; }
943  * }
944  *
945  * void init()
946  * {
947  *     GLFWwindow* window;
948  *
949  *     // ... init the window here ...
950  *
951  *     // Not really needed, but makes it obvious what we're doing
952  *     textEntered = textInputBuffer[0 .. 0];
953  *     glfwSetCharCallback(window, &getUnicode);
954  *     glfwSetKeyCallback(window, &getKey);
955  * }
956  *
957  * void frame()
958  * {
959  *     // These should be defined somewhere
960  *     int mouseX, mouseY, mouseScroll;
961  *     ubyte mousebutton;
962  *
963  *     // .. code here ..
964  *
965  *     // Pass text input to imgui
966  *     imguiBeginFrame(cast(int)mouseX, cast(int)mouseY, mousebutton, mouseScroll, staticUnicode);
967  *     // reset staticUnicode for the next frame
968  *
969  *     staticUnicode = 0;
970  *
971  *     if(imguiTextInput("Text input:", textInputBuffer, textEntered))
972  *     {
973  *         import std.stdio;
974  *         writeln("Entered text is: ", textEntered);
975  *         // Reset entered text for next input (use e.g. textEntered.dup if you need a copy).
976  *         textEntered = textInputBuffer[0 .. 0];
977  *     }
978  *
979  *     // .. more code here ..
980  * }
981  * --------------------
982  */
983 bool imguiTextInput(const(char)[] label, char[] buffer, ref char[] usedSlice,
984                     bool forceInputable = false, const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
985 {
986     assert(buffer.ptr == usedSlice.ptr && buffer.length >= usedSlice.length,
987            "The usedSlice parameter on imguiTextInput must be a slice to the buffer " ~
988            "parameter");
990     // Label
991     g_state.widgetId++;
992     uint id = (g_state.areaId << 16) | g_state.widgetId;
993     int x   = g_state.widgetX;
994     int y   = g_state.widgetY - BUTTON_HEIGHT;
995     addGfxCmdText(x, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2, TextAlign.left, label,
996                   colorScheme.textInput.label);
998     bool res = false;
999     // Handle control input if any (Backspace to erase characters, Enter to confirm).
1000     // Backspace
1001     if(isInputable(id) && g_state.unicode == 0x08 &&
1002        g_state.unicode != g_state.lastUnicode && !usedSlice.empty)
1003     {
1004         usedSlice = usedSlice[0 .. $ - 1];
1005     }
1006     // Pressing Enter "confirms" the input.
1007     else if(isInputable(id) && g_state.unicode == 0x0D && g_state.unicode != g_state.lastUnicode)
1008     {
1009         g_state.inputable = 0;
1010         res = true;
1011     }
1012     else if(isInputable(id) && g_state.unicode != 0 && g_state.unicode != g_state.lastUnicode)
1013     {
1014         import std.utf;
1015         char[4] codePoints;
1016         const codePointCount = std.utf.encode(codePoints, g_state.unicode);
1017         // Only add the character into the buffer if we can fit it there.
1018         if(buffer.length - usedSlice.length >= codePointCount)
1019         {
1020             usedSlice = buffer[0 .. usedSlice.length + codePointCount];
1021             usedSlice[$ - codePointCount .. $] = codePoints[0 .. codePointCount];
1022         }
1023     }
1025     // Draw buffer data
1026     uint labelLen = cast(uint)(imgui.engine.getTextLength(label) + 0.5f);
1027     x += labelLen;
1028     int w = g_state.widgetW - labelLen - DEFAULT_SPACING * 2;
1029     int h = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
1030     bool over = inRect(x, y, w, h);
1031     textInputLogic(id, over, forceInputable);
1032     addGfxCmdRoundedRect(cast(float)(x + DEFAULT_SPACING), cast(float)y,
1033                          cast(float)w, cast(float)h, 
1034                          cast(float)BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - 1, 
1035                          isInputable(id) ? colorScheme.textInput.back
1036                                          : colorScheme.textInput.backDisabled);
1037     addGfxCmdText(x + DEFAULT_SPACING * 2, y + BUTTON_HEIGHT / 2 - TEXT_HEIGHT / 2,
1038                   TextAlign.left, usedSlice,
1039                   isInputable(id) ? colorScheme.textInput.text
1040                                   : colorScheme.textInput.textDisabled);
1042     g_state.widgetY -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_SPACING;
1043     return res;
1044 }
1046 /** Add horizontal indentation for elements to be added. */
1047 void imguiIndent()
1048 {
1049     g_state.widgetX += INDENT_SIZE;
1050     g_state.widgetW -= INDENT_SIZE;
1051 }
1053 /** Remove horizontal indentation for elements to be added. */
1054 void imguiUnindent()
1055 {
1056     g_state.widgetX -= INDENT_SIZE;
1057     g_state.widgetW += INDENT_SIZE;
1058 }
1060 /** Add vertical space as a separator below the last element. */
1061 void imguiSeparator()
1062 {
1063     g_state.widgetY -= DEFAULT_SPACING * 3;
1064 }
1066 /**
1067     Add a horizontal line as a separator below the last element.
1069     Params:
1070     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
1071 */
1072 void imguiSeparatorLine(const ref ColorScheme colorScheme = defaultColorScheme)
1073 {
1074     int x = g_state.widgetX;
1075     int y = g_state.widgetY - DEFAULT_SPACING * 2;
1076     int w = g_state.widgetW;
1077     int h = 1;
1078     g_state.widgetY -= DEFAULT_SPACING * 4;
1080     addGfxCmdRect(cast(float)x, cast(float)y, cast(float)w, cast(float)h, colorScheme.separator);
1081 }
1083 /**
1084     Draw text.
1086     Params:
1087     color = Optionally override the current default text color when creating this element.
1088 */
1089 void imguiDrawText(int xPos, int yPos, TextAlign textAlign, const(char)[] text, RGBA color = defaultColorScheme.generic.text)
1090 {
1091     addGfxCmdText(xPos, yPos, textAlign, text, color);
1092 }
1094 /**
1095     Draw a line.
1097     Params:
1098     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
1099 */
1100 void imguiDrawLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float r, RGBA color = defaultColorScheme.generic.line)
1101 {
1102     addGfxCmdLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, r, color);
1103 }
1105 /**
1106     Draw a rectangle.
1108     Params:
1109     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
1110 */
1111 void imguiDrawRect(float xPos, float yPos, float width, float height, RGBA color = defaultColorScheme.generic.rect)
1112 {
1113     addGfxCmdRect(xPos, yPos, width, height, color);
1114 }
1116 /**
1117     Draw a rounded rectangle.
1119     Params:
1120     colorScheme = Optionally override the current default color scheme when creating this element.
1121 */
1122 void imguiDrawRoundedRect(float xPos, float yPos, float width, float height, float r, RGBA color = defaultColorScheme.generic.roundRect)
1123 {
1124     addGfxCmdRoundedRect(xPos, yPos, width, height, r, color);
1125 }